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The Mnemosyne Atlas: Screen A

Screen A is one of three introductory screens of the Mnemosyne Atlas. Screen A is a graph that contains three graphs: A 17th century celestial map; a map, drawn by Warburg, of all the geographic locations that were important for the travel history of images and their content; the third graph is a genealogical tree of the Tornuabuoni and Medici families of Florence.

Together these three subgraphs can be used as overlays to draw connections between a lot of items of the Mnemosyne Atlas.

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Aby M. Warburg: Iconographer?

I ended a recent study on Warburg and the Mnemosyne Atlas project [Ashgate; The read more link below directs to the full text (submitted text) of the publication.] with the Graphviz code and visualization of two subgraphs of screen 46 of the last series of the Atlas. Although this might seem a contrived example, just an echo of Warburg's fondness of making all sorts of schemes, it actually refers to nodes and edges, the backbone of the Mnemosyne Atlas.

Take, for example, the introductory screen A which carries three images. All three depict graphs. So, there it is, right in front of us on the first screen: The idea of the Mnemosyne Atlas as a big graph.

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